If you are experiencing errors while placing an order, it is possible that there could be a problem with your information. Most of the time, the problem is about having different addresses on your billing information and your credit card. In this case, please review the entered information and check if both addresses match each other.
However, if both names and addresses (order and the card) are correct but you are still having the same problem, please contact your credit card provider for assistance.
If you continue to face issues placing your order, please contact our Customer Service via email anytime at contact@charleshuttonwatches.com or live chat from 9 am to 6 pm (HKT), and one of our support representatives will be glad to assist you.
Please take note that multiple unsuccessful order attempts may result in multiple credit or debit card authorizations, so it is advised that you contact the support team immediately.
Our goal is to provide you with the best online shopping experience. That is why, if you are having a problem placing an order, please review the following reminders before placing another order.
-Check if the billing address provided does not match to the credit or debit card you are using.
-Check if the security code of your card is incorrect. For Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, it is the last 3 digits on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the 4 small digits located on the front of your card.
Pending authorizations due to multiple unsuccessful orders shall drop off within 3-5 business days or upon your bank’s approval. If you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Service Team.